In the late 1940's, Ike Bowman started welding plow
points during the slow times while farming. Over the years he
started repairing other equipment. Soon, Ike was selling whole goods
and repair parts for a variety of farm implements. Family worked at
the shop and on the farm, helping out whenever needed.
Nearly sixty years later, Ike's Welding &
Manufacturing is still welding. We also manufacture
and sell conveyors, beet rims, trailers, hitches and anything else that is
needed. We will design and build a customized pickle harvester,
flume, conveyor system or other farm equipment you need. Ike's represents a wide variety of manufacturers, from
planting to tillage, harvesting to storage, and everything in
between. The staff has over 90 years combined experience in the farming
business. Innovation, quality and hard work are our standards.
Give us a call and see how we can serve you.